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Furnace Not Working? Check These Things Below Before Calling For Service. 

If your furnace is working properly check out our page on general maintenance you can do  

"Optimize Your HVAC System with These Maintenance Tips in Sacramento, California

  • Ensure Optimal Air Quality by Replacing Dirty Furnace Air Filters

  • Enhance Air Flow by Opening All Registers

  • Maintain Thermostat Efficiency with Fresh Batteries (if applicable)

  • Reset Your Furnace for Improved Performance: Turn off the power or unplug (if in closet/garage) and wait for 30 seconds before turning back on. For furnaces in the attic, locate the labeled 15 or 20-amp breaker in the main electrical panel and repeat the process. "

Furnace Still not working? Please Text 916-671-5542  with one message, no introduction, just your full name, best contact phone number, property address,  and I will call you back asap (Typically within a couple of minutes) 


John Doe 


1234 Elm St Sacramento 

Or if you're old school feel free to give us a call @ (916)671-5542 and Get the Best HVAC Services in Sacramento, California

If this information was helpful I always appreciate any feedback on Google, Facebook, or Yelp




(916)671-5542 License #978394


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